About Us

Gaurav Publication is one of the leading firms in Gujarat state for last 30 years, in the field of publishing & selling all types of books In retail & wholesale.Our Publishing house is equipped with all the latest facilities & latest equipments to make the work very smooth.

The Gaurav Publication’s main aim is to promote and spread awareness among its readers for the principles of different religions and their culture. We also provide a diverse range of books like religious books, astrology books, cooking recipes books, Health tips books, Instrumental coaching books, Jokes books, General knowledge books, English Speaking Books, Magic trick books, etc....

We believe the religious and sacred texts of Hindu mythology such as Gita and Ramayana serve as the panacea for mankind's plight and thus began their publication to spread good intent and good thoughts among others. We are in this business since 30years and have served the academic community through our serials and monographs on Indian religion, philosophy, tantra, occult, culture, mysticism, history, yoga, art, literature, linguistics, astronomy, astrology technology, science, history and other related subjects.